When playing an FPS video game, specifically with the homies, whenever you top frag, and top frag only for damage. You can call yourself Mustard Jones.
"Wow, I just did 4.6 thousand damage this game and y'all barely have 2 thousand total. I am hard Mustard Jones'ing"
(must-are-d dork-in) the act of placing mustard from the bottle near, in or around the anus.
yo, pete was so f'ed up jay made a salad in his hair, put pickles in his shoes, and gave him a mustard dorkin.
Dreet Mustard is Mustard that has been "repurposed" as lubricant to use during sex.
It is also commonly fed to homeless people after it is no longer usable in bed
"Ayo pass the Dreet Mustard babe, we getting freaky tonight"
In an instant where you crack an egg just the yolk onto someone's butthole and then pop the yolk leaving a yellow flower shaped puddle
Or when someone has their hole pounded into Oblivion and bloody semen leak from their hole that resembles mustard
I plunged my meat so far into his hole that I left him a mustard flower
Your jerk off sock. That stiff, rigid man mustard crusted sock under the bed you pray your mum doesn’t find.
I’m so upset right now. I cleaned Johnny’s room and found a dozen mustard socks under his bed.
I always jerk with a mustard sock. Much less messy.
That glistening moisture that develops on a women's outer vaginal lips when she gets sexually aroused.
Paul: Wow, that's an impressive amount of Beaver Mustard you got going on there.
Tracy: I know, I just churned it up myself.
When someone uses shit as lubrication before anal sex, common in prisons when someone is clenching to avoid anal rape.
John was clenching his ass so I had to mustard dip my way in
Mustard dipping is the only way to have a truly smooth ride