Any FPS From 2002-2013 That has a Middle Eastern War Setting with Terrorists (or Any Fps With a Post 9/11 Setting that Tries to Educate Teens About the Conflict by Copying Counter Strike's Format with More Realistic and Dark Graphics and Gameplay)
Examples of Counter Strike Clones: The Entire Socom Series, Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Six Days in Falluja, Metal of Honor 2010, Star Wars Battlefront both the Reboot and Classic Version, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon, Metal Gear Solid 4, Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare Etc
Feeling the after affects of getting high the day/night before.
Richie: Oh man...I shouldn't have smoked so much last night.
Austin: How come, man?
Richie: Cause' I'm feeling a little "Clone High" right now and we have a huge calc test next period.
Best underground brand out, soon to be seen on all ya friends.
Man did you see his disturbed clone shirt, I need to get one
AMV editors who twixtor 2-3 frames and copy neptun’s typography in hopes of gaining recognition from the man himself.
Damn, I’ve seen this style before..
Ohh he tagged neptun as his ib, makes sense. What a neptun clone.
YouTubers (often teenagers) who make commentary videos ripping off the commentary channel LeafyIsHere.
"Leafy clones are all the same. They couldn't use gameplay other than CS:GO Surf if their life depended on it."
A group in TGE that destroys all IA in their way. Their founder is universe and has iamsogoodsa in it which makes it the best.
omg omg omg The Clone Rebellion is here!!!! we must go!!!!!!!! - an E3
A mens drinking establishment frequented by slow moving patrons with an outstanding lack of originality.
Hey, don't look for any college kids in there, it's a clonely farts pub, you know, a wrinkle room.