That week everyone goes through every quarter. All test, quizzes, homework, and project come at you all at once. Mental breakdown week.
“It’s basic conditioning week FML”
A state of being, lawless conditions.
A previously peaceful country where law and order is slipping, or gone completely, due to extreme volumes of immigration from the third world.
High rates of violence in areas with a high proportion of immigrants, sometimes resulting in no-go-zones, where even law enforcement have litle authority, and are commonly are assaulted.
We don't want swedish conditions in our country.
Social/environmental attributes dat at-least-adequately allow for da willingness to shed one's garments.
Exactly what would be considered "bareable conditions" would vary widely among different people, of course, but generally they would involve things like how well da considering-stripping-off individual likes/trusts any accompanying humans who would be observing said person in his/her "birthday suit", what will likely be expected of him to allow/perform with relation to said accompanying humans, how warm and isolated da present surroundings are, etc.
The punishment for doing something fucked up or just plain wrong. Used all the time in Mississippi, Memphis, Texas, and Louisiana.
Boosie Badass: “If 6ix9ine would’ve snitched on me he would’ve had graveyard conditions.”
1) The state of being between two or more objects being the same
2) The state of being between two or more people when given a circumstance each will have roughly the same knowledge and enough experience to make a rational decision.
The equality of condition between the 2 football teams made each a formidable opponent which then made for an amazing game which ultimately ended in a tie
When you are at the age in your life when you arent too old to still get an errection, but can longer ejaculate anything more than a puff of air.
These days JJ has been experiencing "the Stanley Dean condition". At least he doesnt need to use condums anymore.
verb. Preparation or conditioning your body for large amounts of alcohol consumption by consuming alcohol on a ramp-up schedule over a long period of time.
Dani B. (Morning after) Beer at 30 is not like beer at 22...
Jonny B. I feel fine. You should work harder on your beer conditioning.