dah AKA dahling is awesome very swag dah gets the girls and boys at one breathe since dah is so fucking attractive
This word DAH is a slang word used to abbreviate the long some of words (Destroy all humans)
You bro you listen to that album called DAH
Nah bro what even is that
It’s destroy all humans (DAH)
It's a word used when speaking to a friend. Was invented and started by #Klover or #kloveronthabeat. It came from making fun of the way his Main artist would say DAWG. When he used the wors DAGW it would sound more like DAH, so it became a Thang. Worlds4Corners members started bouncing it around neighborhoods. Then friends of friends caught on and know a big crowd uses that term. When you hear someone say it......you know it came from some apartment complex
in San Ysidro. DAH
Ke pedo DAh.
Te pasas de Bergs DAh.
a word that is used in some Michael Jackson songs like Smooth Criminal.
*Jane* i heard you had a good Michael Jackson impression could i hear it?
*David* HeE hEe Dah ShAmOnA DOW it doesn't matter if you're black or white!
dah: used in a manner when you have nothing else to say mostly as jokes. created by cghs cheer team
For example, maggie does something funny and you say dah to respond
Dah stands for dick about height
So basically when someone puts others down for being short or is rude bc they think they are superior bc of their height
Can also mean dickish about height or dicks about height for plural
Tall person : imagine being small lol what a midget
Person of average height: stop being #dah u are no better than me