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What's the deal with

An all purpose question that was popularized by comedian Jerry Seinfeld. It's used whenever you're confused about a particular subject, especially trends.

What's the deal with UrbanDictionary having rules for definitions? Isn't it no holds barred? Especially since there are sexual innuendos all over the damn site!

by Ztiew Ebok May 27, 2017

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Birthday Deal

A birthday deal is an agreement made between a guy and his girlfriend/wife. Every year, on Partner A's birthday, Partner B will do what's agreed upon in the birthday deal. Partner B will likely agree to the terms of the birthday deal in exchange for having his/her own.

The birthday deal was introduced nationally on the second episode of Rules of Engagement called, "The Birthday Deal."

Woman- "For my birthday deal we're gonna get mani's, pedi's, facials and then watch romantic movies till I fall asleep in your arms. What do you want for your birthday honey?"

Man- "Oh you'll be getting a facial alright..."

by nakedlove April 7, 2010

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shitty deal

Something Goldman Sachs sells to unsuspecting people, destroying the world economy.

Goldman Exec: Boy, that Timberwolf is one shitty deal.

Other Exec: Should we sell it anyway, even if in causes and economic meltdown?

First exec: Who cares? We'll get rich!

by NovaNardis April 28, 2010

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Done Deal

Verbal phrase of action meaning any process or task will be done by all means necessary Period point blank!

Yes, sir, it's a Done deal no need to worry

Superior: We need a volunteer for overtime

Employee: Done Deal Iโ€™ll cover it.

by DoneDeal July 21, 2018

Klarna deals

Heaven on earth for a Shoportunist.

โ€œWait a minute?! What? I don't have to queue 5 hours for this sale? I can get Klarna deals?โ€

by HjelmFrilla August 18, 2020

Deal Off

Go away; shoo.

I don't have time for your nonsense, so deal off!

by Kitty Peoples December 8, 2020

big of a deal

Breathtakingly irritating phrase used by idiots when they mean "big a deal"

Stopped getting worked up about people adding unnecessary words to sentences, it's not that big of a deal.

by krs360 July 10, 2019