the process of excreting whereby excrement is expelled at high velocity, with intermittent short blasts of anal gas, the sound produced closely resembling "death metal" style blast-beats, performed by such bands as The Berzerker, Nile, Decapitated and Mortician
Righty ho then! I'm off to take a death-metal-style jobby!!
8๐ 40๐
I feel disgraced to be associated with you assholes. I've memorized all of Cannibal Corpse's songs, yet I know Dr Dre and Eminem are a whole lot more fucking talented.
Shit, you Death Metal Fans bash every fucking genre ever. You always say rap is '75 percent of the word crap', or 'nu metal is fucking weak metal i love anal sex please fuck me Chuck Shuldiner'
15๐ 89๐
Slamming brutal death metal sometimes called slam metal for short is type of brutal death metal that uses heavier and more slowed blast beats called slams and a few breakdowns. Bands that are considered Slamming brutal death metal are extermination dismemberment, abominable putridity, epicardiectomy, vulvodynia and devourment.
Blake: Dude i saw Vulvodynia last night live, and it was brutal as fuck.
Jared: thats' dope, but did you see Devourment the pioneers of slamming brutal death metal yet?
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Ultra Brutal Death Metal is the hardest form of music on Earth. It's a term used to describe bands who have pushed the bar of even brutal death metal (i.e. Devourment, Katalepsy), therefore considering it "Ultra" brutal death metal.
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P1: I love this song! P2: It sounds like a dying pig. SLAM DEATH METAL ?.!
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A type of music that is a mixture of heavy metal and death rock.
Do you like heavy metal death?
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It's all about your unintelligible guttural growling, dissonant chugging, fast drumming, complex structure, and (some) syncopation.
Cannibal Corpse is a brutal death metal band.