The act of making things up to create a enormous amount of attention only to have to admit you are lying within 24 hours. Also know as Fake News, CNN’s Little Brother or BFDS.
Did you hear about those high school kids that surrounded an Indian tribe and threatened them all with slurs and violence? Next day.... You must suffer from Buzz Feed Derangement Syndrome, did you not research before you told everyone that crap?
Andkon Derangement Syndrome (ADS) is a serious mental health disorder that impairs and damages the Limbic system of the brain causing intense effects such as seething, malding, balding, schizophrenia, obsession and paranoia often shown as hatred towards the prolific individual called Andkon's Reich and his ideals.
Those who suffer from Andkon Derangement Syndrome may say things like:
"Andkon's a Jew, Mulatto, Nonwhite"
or any other derogatory conspiracy theory directed or implied towards Andkon's Reich
A psychological condition characterized by an extreme and irrational aversion towards individuals who abstain from consuming onions. Individuals afflicted with Onion Aversion Derangement Syndrome (OADS) display symptoms of severe derangement, often exhibiting fits of frustration, anger, or rage when confronted with someone who declines food containing onions or inquires about its onion content. This syndrome manifests as an exaggerated emotional response, leading affected individuals to lash out or become agitated in situations involving onions or onion-related dietary choices.
Despite Sarah's best efforts to politely decline dishes containing onions, her colleague Betty often succumbs to Onion Aversion Derangement Syndrome (OADS), erupting into fits of frustration whenever Sarah's dietary preferences are mentioned.
Tom's Onion Aversion Derangement Syndrome (OADS) became evident at the dinner party when he aggressively berated his friend for refusing to taste the onion-laden appetizer.
Jenny's Onion Aversion Derangement Syndrome (OADS) reached a peak when her roommate opted not to order pizza with onions, prompting a vicious outburst about culinary preferences.
The online forum erupted into chaos when a user with Onion Aversion Derangement Syndrome (OADS) attacked another member when they suggested a recipe should not include onion, sparking an all caps meltdown about dietary choices.
Noun A Gill is a soul sucking creature that hypnotists you and slowly sucks your soul away leaving a rotting pile of goo.
While having a wonderful day, I suddenly felt my soul slipping away and knew I had Gill Derangement Syndrome (GDS)!
Phrase: Used to describe a food that is not necessarily gross, but very bizarre.
Meatballs are not inherently gross, but the name and the thought of “meat” in ball form is very disturbing and deranged when thought about.
“Lasagna is so weird if you think about it, its just meat, sauce, and cheese separated into layers by slabs of pasta”
“Lasagna is a deranged food”
Someone who writes sub par royal fan fiction on Twitter because they lack meaning in their own lives.
The Deranger cried as she typed her 50th appeal to Twitter to reinstate her account.
Mostly salty middle aged white woman with bad Karen haircuts who don’t understand irony, can’t take a decent profile pic to save their lives & took one course in photoshop so they can create badly edited memes only they think are funny. Can be found on Beyoncés internet spewing nonsense about any black/brown woman who looks in the vicinity of a certain ginger royal due to their unhealthy obsession with voluntary subjugation.
“Derangers are to facts like Bruce Wayne is to Batman, you’ll never see them both in the same place”