Drainting is drawing with paint, usually used with paint pens. Word invented by Moriah Elizabeth
"I love drainting with my posca pens"
the act of drawing and painting simultaneously, typically using paint pens. The word was created a talented artist, moriah elizabeth!
Moriah used her painted and drew on the paint palette, drainting.
The act of drawing and painting simultaneously, typically using paint pens.
I will be Drainting this pallette.
Drainting is a verb. It means Painting and Drawing at the same time. "Drainting" was first said by Moriah Elizabeth.
I am drainting with poska pens.
Verb/ draint-ing
The act of drawing and painting
simultaneously, typically using
paint pens
When you are drawing and painting with poscas or something
Thanks to moriah elizabeth
I was drainting a dog with my new posca pens
Meaning, painting with liquid markers.
"I was drainting a dragon fruit dog"