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Kylee-Anne Elise Gross

The prettiest girl in the world. A girl who changes her hair color every 2 weeks. Has a short temper. Cares about everyone so much. An amazing girlfriend and friend. Someone everybody loves so much. Especially Vincent!

I love Kylee-Anne Elise Gross so so much.

by Kyleesbf April 15, 2022

Elise abuse

When you abuse a person named Elise.

This man committed Elise abuse towards Elise.

by Archie_savage February 23, 2023

Elise RB

A secret german girl( but a sma gurl at heart)with an outrageous addiction to mafia smut. BEWARE OF MENTIONING THE NAME OF CHARLIE E BECAUSE SHE WILL QUITE LITERALLY START FOAMING AT THE MOUTH. lowkey alcoholic high key shopaholic and if you havnt heard SMUTAHOLIC!! she believes she is a good driver when in reality we have all thought we were gonna die in georgina

“Do you know Elise RB”
“omg that bitch stalked me while simultaneously reading smut.she has six pictures of me as her screen saver at a time”
“wait are you The Charlie E??”
“The one and only‼️”

by fugly_slunt May 12, 2023


Synonym for loser

Amber-Elise your name is literally a synonym for loser, look it up

by electthedead666 January 7, 2019

elise mcleod

Anal loving slut who's not afraid to give a blumpkin or engage in the sexual act of 'retarded eagle'

Oh my god, look at that girl getting gangbanged! bet shes an elise mcleod

by s02598 October 31, 2014

elise r.

Loves horse hentai, Has a glass dildo, Is the big gay, And will rob you of your strap-on if you don't bring her sEaSoNeD fRiEs.

"Did you hear what elise r. did to nippleton lll? His strap on was finessed!"

by hasgdf March 6, 2019

elise mueller

the sexiest man alive

man that elise mueller is the sexist man alive!!!!!!

by Kurapikasupremicy February 23, 2022