A friend of a friend of an enemy.
She was a friend of Nikki, who was a friend of an enemy. So they were both enemies the guy wanted as enemies.
An ally of an enemy is your enemy (not a frienemy or any other coined word from a coined language). Its simple, you know not to trust anyone who's an ally of an enemy.
He/she isn't your friend when he/she is with you. He/she is pretending to be your friend when he/she is with you. An enemy that doesn't want you to know they're your enemy is still an enemy.
Your enemies? Who are they?
You don't have enemies. Nobody has them. Nobody in this entire world deserves to get hurt.
enemies? I don't have any. - vinland saga enjoyer
An enemy is someone who intentionally tries to attack you physically or mentally- some people may hurt you unintentionally though.
Let’s rob him/her or steal him/her stuff.
Let’s keep selling him/her drugs- fuck him/her life I gots to get mine. Enemy = threat to your life
Someone you don't want your girlfriend to have sex with.
I don't want John to fuck my girlfriend. He's my private enemy.
I'm pretty sure I commanded somebody to get the fuck over here... You tell him to get his bitch ass over here.
Hym "Joe Rogan? More like Hoe, um... Jogan? Right? Why make Joe Rogan an enemy? Because I told them to get over here and if I'm right about my alien abduction theory he literally can't, ya know... Do that... So yeah, HOOOOOOOE JOGAN!!"