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cheats in counter strike games but also plays roblox. major weeb. avid hentai watcher

Wow, that guy ethan is such a weirdo, all he does is watch hentai and plays roblox

by peachieo May 30, 2018

24πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A person who thinks they always win when in reality they always lose.

Molly: β€œMy March madness bracket is so fire!!”

Tim (behind her back): β€œnah her bracket is so Ethan”

by Linama April 8, 2019

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


ethan a dirty prick, gay, porn viewer


by lionessloverAKAhafsahlover August 5, 2019

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Kinda cute, but takes stuff too far. People think hes gay, but he really isn't. Always coming up with weird conspiracy theory's.

Now Ethan thinks pajamas are Illuminati? WTF?

by FlyyGuyyJR June 17, 2017

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Ethan is the most annoying person on this earth but has nice hair

Hey is that an Ethan?

No why?

Cuz he is annoying but has nice hair.

by This_is_blank_from_school June 4, 2019

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Tough, strong, firm, and still comforting. Ethan is the funniest and sweetest guy you will ever meet. He can be hard to talk to sometimes, and very persuasive. Ethan is a great friend, but if you can get close, never let go. You will be more heartbroken than you could ever imagine. Ethan can be nerdy at times, but is cooler than most of the people you know. And he will always be there for you, taking things slow and respectful. Never let him go.

"Damn, you got an Ethan? Nice!"
"I have such bad luck with guys, I wish I could get an Ethan."

by Olivia Sheboe December 16, 2016

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The action used when distracting your teachers in class to make them go off-topic so they don't notice you're not doing work.

"Hey Mr.___ have you seen the new Batman movie?"
"Yeah, it was really good... WAIT A MINUTE."
"Don't start Ethaning me, get your work done.

by arnavjohn March 1, 2022