A school filled with trashy men and ghetto ass girls with teachers who can’t do shit
“you go to franklin heights”
“yeah, man”
“so you’re a trashy bitch”
A small central Texas town. Known for its football and community. It’s a great place to raise your children. Everyone knows each other.
Franklin Tx. Located in central Texas. North of Bryan College Station.
First discovered by renown homosexual, Benjamin Franklin. Predominantly used by 1800s homosexuals, involves the use of a kite, a lightning storm and a key to electrocute oneself while furiously masturbating while another man watches. Modern day can substitute a steel butt plug for the key. See also: “Thunder Tug”
Note: in the UK it is commonly referred to as a “Franklin Wank”
Before each show, Joe Rogan likes to blow off steam with a Franklin Yank.
“I can’t sleep without a quick Franklin”
a suburb of Chicago located on Chicago's west side right outside Chicago, it’s about 5-10 mins from the city. Over ran by gangs primarily the IGz(Imperial gangsters), Latin Kings, and Spanish cobras.
This place is noisy cuz you occasionally hear gunshots, ambulances and especially the train the whole day. The train passes by so much that you’ll eventually get use to it.
It’s also known for drugs, section 8, gangs and especially prostitutes. People are always gettin robbed, filled with drugs everywhere and homeless surround Mannheim. Most people smoke weed you’ll smell it down almost every block.
mayor acts like everything is okay but doesn’t do anything except try to hide stuff from the news. You’ll always hear airplanes and trains.
“Where do you live”
“In Franklin Park”
When you use snuff and sneeze so loudly and often in polite company that you are asked politely to be the ambassador to France and meet European royalty.
Person A : Where is Ben from accounting ?
Person B: He got The Ben Franklin now he works in the basement department polishing his stapler .
The trap city crazy party’s and a lot of tits
A lot of party’s in FRANKLIN INDIANA
Person with very large genitles: a very large penis.
Wow you can tell that is a Mac Franklin because he has the longest pen is I have ever seen.