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freya is fat

by pakichan February 14, 2024


During the day, Freya's act like a normal, very attractive, sweet and kind girl who love to listen to people and help people out. But as soon as the clock strikes midnight, she sneaks out of the house and transforms into a bug creature who goes around licking people's toes and pissing over all of your belongings.
Watch out. Don't fall asleep tonight.

"Did you say that new girl was called Freya? Oh. Oh nonono. We need to hide now."

by toemuncher123 October 14, 2023

Freya S

Freya Soden

Freya is a very tall, intelligent, hilarious, extremely sporty girl who always is there for her friends she never has time to hang out because she literally does every sport under the sun but she is genuinely so beautiful and a amazing person

everyone needs a ‘freya S’.

by thcovi March 12, 2023


To run very slowly

Im such a freya

by Urban.Dictionary37463 November 25, 2021


freya is a blonde hair blue eyed girl she is so perfect and pretty and funny and i cant even arghhhhh, i can trust her with my life shes great at keeping secrets shes pretty smart but shes also quite dumb

mother mary i see you hhehehehhe freya

by freyasarat August 25, 2021


Mid tbh

The boss lady Freya is mid

by XSmallboi April 16, 2023


the name of a girl who is very short and likes to act tall but she is so short that she thinks she’s tall.

How tall is freya she’s short asf.

by iulai February 27, 2024