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The worst possible thing of all time.

Person 1: I have hemorrhoids
Person 2: That sucks dude. That's genocide.

by TheGreatCreator May 28, 2024


the word "free palestine" people say even tho they have no idea what genocide means !

violent attacks with the specific intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group. There is a diffrence between self defence and commiting genocide out of pure hate ( like the holocaust ) FREE THE HOSTAGES !!

by chhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheee November 16, 2023


The terrorist state of Israel’s right to self defense.

The massacre of almost 10000 Palestinians including over 6400 children in a span of less than a month by the terrorists state of Israel in the name of self dense is nothing but straight up a genocide.

by m.h.i November 5, 2023


An overwhelming military victory that thoroughly humiliates the losing side

Hamas should have anticipated that the war it started on October 7th, 2023, would result in a genocide.

by KitKat4891 December 5, 2024


Over my dead body

Jack: Oi, Doctor. What about genocide? The Doctor: Over my dead body!

by The Timelady November 8, 2017


It's this weird condition where you get pretty outraged by witnessing an ongoing genocide.

I can't stand all this killing of all these civilians. I think I am suffering from genocidous.

by Mojazzer November 7, 2023

i remember you're genocides

An Undertale Reddit meme from 2024. Part of the "insanity" series where people purposefully misspell words and create nonsensical pictures usually adding unrelated characters like Goku and Gaster into the picture.

- Human, i remember you're genocides
- It's like he's in some king of juandice

by Error404Chara February 10, 2025