national hang out with your girlfriend day.
National Girlfriend Day means hugging,kissing,holding hands, etc.
Do anything your girlfriend says it's national girlfriend day. January 17!
M: Hey babe
F: Yes?
M: you know what today is?
F: Yeah it's Monday
M: no it's national girlfriend day!
Aug 1st - the day you post embarrasing photos about your girlfriend, then tell her you love her.
- happy national girlfriend day, babe. i posted you
- WHAT?? these are so bad
- hehe, i love you!
When it’s September 2 you must kiss your girl.
It’s September 2 national make out with your girlfriend day baby. You already know let’s kiss
Makeout With Your Girlfriend No Matter What Give Her All Your Love ❤
National Makeout with your Girlfriend day
Every boy has to message there girlfriend whenever she says to
Girlfriend: Today is National Message your girlfriend day Boy: Ok I will give you a mess age
Every boy has to give a message to their girl whenever she ask for one
Girlfriend: Today is National Message your girlfriend day I want a message right now. Boyfriend: Alright