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Gold digger

A Woman who gets married to a person for the money.. does not care about him just cares about the money

Person 1: Dude my wife is a gold digger!!!
Person 2: How do you know?
Person 1: She almost quit work since i won the lottery and i have 1 million .. she wanted to spend 500k on makeup

by dontuseyourrealnamemate November 24, 2016

Gold digger

A girl that will say or do just about anything to stay rich and powerful.

The gold digger girl kissed the guy and said it was arousing even though she actually had no interest him because she wanted the publicity so that she could stay rich and powerful. You'd never know what she actually thought of someone or something, since it was all kept hidden from the public eye. Anything that was shared with the public was likely for show, and was bullshit (such as stories of how amazing this person was).

by Solid Mantis October 4, 2019

Gold digger

A girl that has no interest in something til a camera starts rolling.

Gold digger girl- You smoke out of a vaporizer? I too, always smoke out of a vaporizer!


Gold digger girl- Ch Ching, I just made 50 g's for saying that.

by Solid Mantis October 4, 2019

gold digger

Britney spears

hey john your girlfreind is the next britney spears/gold digger

by j,baited May 27, 2019

Gold digger

A girl/guy that asks friends opinions who to flirt with next

"Wow I can't believe that Nick is starring at that gold digger's booty"

by Laughing hoe 323 May 6, 2017

Gold digger

A guy who dig gold in mineshaft.
Ok just kidding, gold digger means a girl who only look for a man with wealth so they can fulfill what luxury item they want and they will leave you if you goes bankrupt

Guy:"hello babe, wanna get into my lambo?"
Girl:"omg i would love to"

1 year later

Guy:"hey babe, so uuuh i ran out of money and my business got bankrupt"
Girl:"oh thats sad to hear" *proceed to pack up luggage*
Guy:"i should have not take this gold digger"

by Zavelorude September 9, 2021

Ravioli Gold Digger

Ravioli Gold Digger

/ˌravēˈōlē ɡōld ˈdiɡər/
Noun informal

A phrase pruposed by Filthyfrank and h3h3

The definition of "ravioli gold digger" is

A person who dates others purely to extract ravioli from them, in particular blonde women with two white parents who went to Arizona State University, who strive to have sexual intercourse with a man wealthy in raviolis.

Ethan: I guess you're just not interested in any of my Raviolis then, huh?

Frank: Wait a minute, I didn't know about the Ravioli.

Ethan: No. None for you. You ravioli. Digging. Whore.

Ravioli Gold Digger

by XtraGrandee February 23, 2020