The start of a sentence of Introducing someone that you either know or, you don’t (not usually ).
A kind greeting to a person and introducing always used in the beginning.
Comes from the word ahoy, To Dutch it becomes hoi which translates to hello.
Q: Who created it . A: Thomas Edison.
Synonyms: Greetings, Hi
Antonyms: Bye , Goodbye , Farewell
Hello, Matt. How was your day?
Hello, Greetings everybody.
Hello Martin! I miss you!
Normal Dictionary: A common English greeting used to start conversations/A famous song sung by Adelle
Urban Dictionary: Some sex-related adjective
Person 1: My GF and I helloed last night!
Person 2: Dude, that makes no sense. You need to stop reading the Urban Dictionary.
The act of nervously getting someone's attention so they acknowledge you because you are unpopular.
"Hello, I want you to notice me."