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Epic Hand Motion

When one does an Epic Face then follows it up with a hand motion where your pinky and ring finger are flexed and slightly elevated above your palm and your ring finger is sticking straight out but slightly bent and your index finger is pulled halfway in while your thumb is curled in and you move your hand in random directions.This was invented by RandyKane in Georgia History Class in 8th Grade.

Kane- *Epic Face*
Randy- *Epic Face*
Kane-*Epic Hand Motion*
Randy-*Epic Hand Motion*
Random Kid-OMG yall are so beasssttttt!

by Koozey May 13, 2011

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meteorologist motion law

The meteorologist motion law is said to be the defining definition of all life forms on the planet meaning the definition of life as we know it

Lobotomite: #1, Hello fellow human have you already heard of the meteorologist motion law?

Lobotomite: #2 yes I have fellow human I think that such word means the meaning of life.

by Fellowhuman:( November 30, 2022

motion picture shit

Motion Picture Shit is a studio music album by rap band G-Unit.The album has a bunch of rap songz written by 50 Cent and the G-Unit band.

Feel this...Motion picture shit...hahaha.

by Juan Marcia Cortez August 4, 2017

Put the Windmill in Motion

The verbal threat to cause bodily harm, a severe beating, to kick the crap out of someone.

My Dad would always use this saying when the kids were misbehaving, fighting or just getting on his nerves. "Don't make me put the windmill in motion!" That was his way of saying if we didn't stop whatever it is we were doing then he was gonna beat our butts!

by Weller1974 April 15, 2011

motion sickness love

when your getting head in a car while its driving and you feel kind of sick while you cum because you might normally get motion sickness

whoa while sally was giving me a mean blow job i felt queasy but i still gave her some motion sickness love.

by thebigkp July 14, 2008

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kiss in stop motion

kissing in stop motion, when two people either genders kiss is stop motion (aka making out)

I want to kiss you in stop motion

I need to kiss someone in stop motion

Let’s kiss in stop motion

by let’s kiss in stop motion March 7, 2023

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Perpetual Dynamic Motion

Pertaining to or characterized by energy or generating an effective energetic action or process of being vigorously active or forcefully moving or being moved, continuing or continued without intermission or interruption; ceaseless in it's operation, driven by it's own force which gives it its own momentum regardless of any friction that is less than it's own force that is being applied.

The basic rules for PDM (Perpetual Dynamic Motion) are

1. The design must use either gravity or magnetic fields, or use both gravity and magnetic fields.

2. The design must be symmetrical while exhibiting changing or moving parts to ensure the force of momentum is always greater than it's resistance.

3. The design must have a self contained push and pull or a self contained attraction and repulsion.

4. The design of the spinner must be lighter than the total weight or force that will be self contained to keep it moving.

5. The design will not be effected by any friction that is less than the total of its force, and even if stopped, it will self start on its own again and keep moving because it has it's own momentum.

"Perpetual Motion" means ever lasting movement, so why do people try to define it as "must not have any friction at all", and "must stay at the same speed"? Whoever tries to place the description inside of a box, must only do so because they think inside of a box. They are assuming that nothing inanimate is capable of having it's own self sustained force.

So I added "Dynamic", which implies that it does in fact have its own self sustained force.

The new term is now
"Perpetual Dynamic Motion"

Search For It

by Project-LifeCommand April 4, 2013

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