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Josh is the guy that gets along with everyone! Will constantly support people with their goals even of they are goals he would not particularly like personally, but as long as it makes that person happy, he will do everything he can to make sure they feel his excited energy to encourage them to pursue their dreams. Josh may feel like that is his life purpose- to make sure everyone feels good all the time. Because of this generous attitude of giving emotional support to others, he will sadly neglect the most important person in his life-himself. He may not even fully comprehend what he personally enjoys and wants out of life because for so long he has supported others, tricking himself that he honestly loves everything. But deep inside (a place that he may not even knows exists YET) he has his own desires and goals he so badly wants to pursue. All Josh needs, are friends that make sure they make time to hear how he's feeling each day, what he would like to do and it's only then that Josh can see who he is, what he personally likes and what he doesnt like. Josh is a good guy. Josh is a good friend but all Josh needs to do is to make sure to take care of himself. He will see that yes, he was good at giving advice/supporting others, but he will soon discover that it is only after giving himself care, that his advice to others will then be 10x more powerful and meaningful.

P.s hes also probably super Mexican

"That's Josh over there hugging someone and laughing."

by Alilbithonest June 14, 2019

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If there is a josh in the world that isn't:
. Annoying
. Nerdy
. Always wanting to win at stuff
. Always trying to 1-up you

. Always scoring sweaty goals in fifa and

then bragging about it to everyone in

school the following day despite no one caring,

Please call me now

Person 1: I just beat this guy 70-0 in fifa

Person 2: you must be a josh

by Isthatasmallguy December 27, 2022

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Probably a jew

That kid josh is not a Jew

by Ken steinman February 26, 2018

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A guy liked by many girls. He is in the popular group but is very quiet. Josh is hot, but can still look like the cutest little kid ever. You never know what he is thinking because he would rather scooter than talk. The hoes go for him even though he is not for that life. Some girls will be led on by him and will be disappointed when they learn how he really feels. All in all josh is the most amazing boy ever.

I like that kid imma fuck him.
Sorry that's josh he doesn't go for hoes

by Josh loverπŸ’‹πŸ’‹ April 18, 2017

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josh? hes an annoying cunt

by gyaman2.0 February 28, 2018

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Josh: Looks like the most utter, complete, akward guy in the world, but is just very self conchious...

He loves to write, he loves to drool over the sadest, mopiest films, but later creates the most beautiful piece of writing you could ever know...

He is bullied, but his utter words once the bullies have turned away

are to die for.

This man's words are inspiration from above, it's as if he gets all his great thoughts from God's perfect palms himself.

He has nice, sleek hair, usually your average brunette *hint *hint

His biggest enemy is usually a Jake

Jake's are players, Josh does not like players, because they have no good words to hit the ladies with besides

( ---- me gurl ) LOL

Joshes words can really truly woohoo a girl, and usually she's not going to be the biggest bitch, but the biggest heart..

Because Joshes are poetic, and they want true poetic material to nuggle with.

I need a true Poet friend, like a Josh don't you agree?

by bitchasshoecunthipturner May 17, 2017

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A kid who acts like an asshole and try's to snitch on you in school

People:Over 9000
Josh:Can you please stop before I tell on you

by DeadpoolKidz January 17, 2020

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