Source Code


Shortened version of "Okay."

Although, presently, it's used for showing the other person you are not interested in the conversation anymore.

"Yeah, I went to this awesome cafe today. I'm going to have to go again sometime."


by ZestyBacon March 24, 2011

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


I don't Care or Whatever

Person: You're a Fucking Cunt

Me: k.

by k. guy August 11, 2012

22๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


when you do not want to talk to somebody you say K. rockaway douchbags do not understand. Invented in Wharton

rockaway kid: so whatcha doing?

wharton kid: K.

rockaway kid: so whats up?

wharton kid: K douchebag.

by whartonkid2 February 13, 2009

24๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


A more respectful way of saying 'k' because it is capitalized

Girl: Hey, I'm breaking up with you. I haven't like you for months and I'm sorry to end our 5 year relationship like this.
Boy: K

by Tortelo March 12, 2021


Like bro do u only have like 1 letter on ur keyboard or some shit???

Can't u just press it twice or add a letter "O"???? U make me feel like ur mad at me and I did something wrong. K k k k ur head get a new keyboard that has other letters than the letter k.

A:heyyy let's go out tmr, where u want go
B: k
A: oh I'm sorry

by Megasimp February 12, 2022


Like K but much worse and you seriously messed up and need to find out what you did wrong urgently because they are out for murder. Usually texted by a girl.

Hey babe Iโ€™m sorry


by Thebadspeller July 8, 2020


When you want to annoy someone after they type you a really long essay about their problems and you want to show them you don't care. You hit them with a brutal K.

Her: I really like you

Me: K.

by I am a k. November 22, 2016