Source Code

Kansas City Leafblower

When you have sexual intercourse with someone while they are peeing.

Jeff “yo mike! me and candy tried out the Kansas City leafblower last night. It was rad!!!”
Mike “me and Janet need to try that out sometime”

by getbitches420 September 29, 2018

Kansas city skull fuck

To fuck the eye socket of a 1 eyed person

Hey Stan ! I'm going to kansas city, do you know where a good time can be had ???
Stan: Hell yea, go down to independence Avenue and look for a 1 eyed guy called JR, you'll get the best Kansas City skull fuck ever !!
And it's only 20 bucks !!!!

by Asshole Strawboss December 23, 2022

kansas city sparkler

When a woman cums on a man's penis during intercourse, and using the secretion as adhesive, glitter is put on the man's penis. This, giving the appearance of a sparkler

Dicks and Jane are very festive. Last night they made a Kansas City sparkler .

by Kansas boi April 15, 2017

Kansas City drought

The sexual act of setting her pubes on fire then shoving it her ass and shouting “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore Toto

Dude last night we did the Kansas city drought and now I think I’m in love

by Allrightythennn January 24, 2023

Kansas City virgin

Noun: A girl who only will have anal sex so she may maintain her true "virgin" status.

Steve: Angela and I only do it in the butt. She wants to save herself until she's married.

Mike: Oh, she's a Kansas City virgin!

by AJ Locke August 17, 2017

Kansas City Shuffle

When a casino uses neural networks to influence poker tournaments or when someone defines a word on urban dictionary and ruins poker for every casino in the world.

Man: “ Whoa! Did that guy just pull the ‘ol Kansas City Shuffle and bankrupt a shitload of casinos? That ain’t retarded”

by Crucially Dreaming April 16, 2023

Kansas City Shuffle

When casinos use electroencephalographs and trans cranial magnetic stimulation to influence card games or when someone defines a word and ruins poker for everyone.

Man: “ Damn, did he just pull a San Francisco sidestep and bankrupt a bunch of casinos?”
Other Man: “ Nah, That was a straight up Kansas City Shuffle.”

by Crucially Dreaming April 16, 2023