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United Kingdom

"This England never did, nor never shall,
Lie at the proud foot of a conqueror."
- William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616), "King John", Act 5 scene 7
by JM
Ok so what about William the Conqueror 1066? ring any bells? you know when the english under harold got their asses kicked by lots and lots of French normans ,you are as dull as shakespeare!

only the english call it united kingdom which it is not!

by we love dubya March 8, 2006

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Kingdom Georgia

In Kingdom Georgia half of the kids gets sexually abused by their parents.Usually it starts when you are 3 years old.

My mom raped me in Kingdom Georgia when i was 5 years old.

by xdxdyessirrrrrrrrrrrrrrxdcsdfg January 22, 2021

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Bandit Kingdom

A political entity or polity that is administered or dominated by criminals, bandits or outlaw elements. In most cases, a bandit kingdom will be ruled by criminals or bandits, and in other cases, they will be dominated by such groups, who have autonomy, but not rule, in the entity in question.

Sometimes, a bandit kingdom is also the name of a general area ruled or dominated exclusively by bandits, criminals, or outlaw elements, and while not political entity, the areas inhabitants or de facto rulers agree to rule and/or control by outlaws.

“There is debate over naming Somalia as a bandit kingdom, as a result of the general chaos and instability that has dominated it for a long time.”
“Long-time instability in Libya post-civil war led to the rise of many criminal groups, turning the country to a bandit kingdom over the course of a decade since.”
“Certain areas in the United States are bandit kingdoms, ruled by criminals and gangs who were able to subvert the law and make themselves the rulers in these places.”

by First Order Ball’s Sithguy September 18, 2023

The Kingdom of Finn

A verified groupchat in Caleb Finn's finndom. Caleb has talked several times to them. Its the most well put together groupchat with the least drama They all look and care after one another. Bobzy which is one of calebs friends is usually on every discord call, the other two aussies, Tyler or Green, and Char, try there best to be on calls. This groupchat is also the most crackhead and thats on perryshat

"hey have you heard of the kingdom of finn?"

"oh yeah thats a really sweet gc, i heard its really crackie in there ahah"

by crackdaddie666 November 10, 2019

Minh Kingdom

refers to any online forms, groups or social media platforms where degeneracy dominates. Its a land of corruption, forever changing the minds of those who enter. Minh kingdom can be a reference to specific groups, forms, clubs, etc. The Minh Kingdom can also be used to describe all of degeneracy. Degenerates from the Minh kingdom are referred to as "Minhs"

Person A: "My discord has basically turned into a minh kingdom."
Person B: "yea i can related, a couple people from my facebook group are minhs"
Person A: " the Minh Kingdom is growing"

by Hououin_Kyouma September 19, 2017

Chatah kingdom

This is the original kingdom of the continent of America form the beginning of time.
The people speak Chatah language which is almost extinct and live by the culture and tradition of the kingdom which is also their legal system.

The Chatah kingdom girl.
The Chatah kingdom Royal Eminent HildaHvshki has arrived.

by Jackson Monilium February 12, 2021

Power Kingdom

"Power Kingdom" is a nickname for the city of Poughkeepsie, NY.

It was settled by the Dutch in 1683; its name, of Wappinger Indian origin, means “reed-covered lodge by the little water place.” Poughkeepsie served as the temporary state capital of New York, and the U.S. Constitution was ratified there in 1788. Located in the Hudson Valley Region of New York, Poughkeepsie neighbors the small city Woodstock, NY, famous for the Woodstock Festival. Natives of Poughkeepsie quickly discovered that Non-residents found it hard to pronounce the name of their small city, thus the name Power Kingdom was birthed.

Meet me in the Power Kingdom at 8 o'clock sharp for our meeting.

by Leakz 2.0 August 17, 2023