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Chicken little kinnie

A chicken little kinnie is a white boy with blonde and/or red hair that is OVERLY skinny and needs to eat some meat in his life.

You are a fucking chicken little kinnie!!😹😹. GET THIS BOY A BURGER πŸ˜ΉπŸ–•

by Junko lover 101 October 3, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Gerard Way kinnie

A Gerard Way kinnie is someone with a piss kink

β€œOh shit run its a gerard way kinnie they might drink ur piss!”

by Samthegay September 20, 2021

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Ed sheeran kinnie Teddy

Best mf you could ever meet, will slay people and other creatures like your bed bugs for you and commit arson occasionally.
Semi-aggressive when you reject their compliments though, gotta use a bat to shut upπŸ’”

They are the Ed sheeran kinnie Teddy.

by Jordan_Ackerman July 1, 2021

Kalim Al-Asim kinnie

The most annoying and emotional losers you'll ever meet Kalim kinnies are literally so childish and naive no wonder Jamil overblotted because of Kalim he must be such a handful to take care off, Kalim is literally such a pain and he's so pampered and the way he "tries" to help Jamil oh my god he literally can't do anything without assistance (im a kalim kinnie😍)

person 1: i kin Kalim
person 2: ew a Kalim Al-Asim kinnie

by silversocool June 16, 2022

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

eren kinnie


birb’s an eren kinnie btw

by catboy_.ranpo April 17, 2021


Severe and unhealthy obsession with anime and waifus. Check with your doctor to make sure YOU dont have kinnie-itis. Its contagious!1!1!1!!!!!!!1!!1!

"Yuki got sent home today!"
"WHAT? how come?"
"She's diagnosed with kinnie-itis, stay away from her!"

by TheRealEnsychopledia October 8, 2020


Being someone who heavily relates a fictional character to the point where you feel kinship with them.

Person #1: What characters do you Kin?
Person #2: Omg, I'm such an Oikawa Kinnie

by PuffBallsUnited123 March 15, 2022