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The funniest, compationate loving friend who happens to be very sociable and hangs around anyone who is his friend and has a special longing for his cRusH 😉. When he is not around--It gets hella quiet and depressing because nobody is as special as this one person named Loc and he can be relatable to any person. Has a special daddy to think about all day all night and loves to make inside jokes to comfort you and cheer you the fuck up. A one of a kind person who deserves much more in the world and is cherished by literally God himself because the sunlight glistens around him as if he were an angel himself that radiates positivity.

"LOC, LOC LOOK--DIEGO IS GAY " You yell out across the hallway and Loc comes running past you faster than lightning itself.


by LocDiego September 24, 2018


"Locs" is a term commonly used to refer to a hairstyle known as "locks" or "dreadlocks." Locs are a natural hairstyle that involves the matting of hair into long, ropelike strands. The term "locs" is the proper term than of the offensive term "dreadlocks". Locs is linked to spirituality and it is worn by all cultures and race. Coined by Christina Clement, Spiritual leader, Author, and teacher of the Loc Community and Founder of State of Loc Nation.

HH Empress Queen Christina Clement has beautiful golden locs.

by igetyouwrite December 11, 2023


Laugh on camera, when you are on zoom or any other video chat service and a text is funny enough to make you “laugh on camera”

Thinking about stoop dying made me LOC

by March 25, 2022


A short squared person. People often mistake a Loc for spongebob squarepants.

guy 1: Look! it's spongebob!
guy 2: No, it's just a Loc.

by ordnes May 4, 2018


crazy kinda gang member

lamar: "so can a loc come up in your crib"
franklin: "fuck you ill see you at work!"

and you know the rest

by lamar davies January 31, 2021


Your hair

I'm growing my locs

by Cnote the crow November 17, 2021


Term that originated in California used in predominantly Black or Latino hoods/gang culture. Derived from the Spanish word loco. "Loc" referring to a person or "loc up" is a variation of the Spanish word loco.

Short for loco, which in Spanish means crazy (loca is female; loco is male). Loca could have literal meaning (someone who actually lost his/her mind), or metaphorical meaning referring to someone who is wild and does unexpected things.

Cali has a strong Mexican/Hispanic culture, we all get down with aspects of the same terminology.

What up Loc!?

To my niggas in the penitentiary, Loc up, like a mothafucka, when they mention me, ' Cause you fuckin' with the realest mothafucka ever - Tupac, Straight Ballin

by Raw Beauty December 13, 2017