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madame hooker

The leader of a group of hookers.

Dude, did you see that squad of hookers? That one in the front must be the Madame Hooker!

by gravvity430 January 24, 2020

Madame Gourgeon

Madame Gourgeon is a dedicated Danny Devito cult leader. No matter what they say, no matter how much they deny it it's true. The cult following is probably side affect of having a similar physique, fat as fuck. Their extreme lack of cardio and virginity to being called anything related to the word “pretty” is surely why they can easily turn off any man.

Youve got the physique of a Madame Gourgeon

by Ivan Allen Jacobs April 29, 2024

madame macabre

A attractive lady who has a dark or murderous past (typically the latter)

Damn the new girl looks like a madame macabre

by Dude with wifi121 April 11, 2020


Moms Against Dead Alien Monster Sex

I'm a mom against dead alien monster sex I'm in MADAMS

by Tanners Law October 5, 2017