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National Nude Day

National Nude day is always 4/18 but has been added to be every Tuesday of the month of January as of 2022

National nude day/ So every Tuesday of January you can send nudes to someone your comfortable with

by StreetPrafit February 8, 2022

National Send Nudes Day 2.0

Send pic to that one person you trust a lot and think is hot

Max:Hey wanna send pics to your fav
Malani:anything for you big boy since it’s National Send Nudes Day 2.0

by CKY2000 November 30, 2018

National Abby Sends Nudes Day

Est. May 1st. They day where everyone named Abby must pay their yearly tax for being named Abby and show what they got to a person they admire.

Fuck, I forgot it is National Abby Sends Nudes Day. Who's gonna be the lucky soul this year. - Abby

by Greg761 April 28, 2023

National send James nudes day

On the 2nd of may every female must send James nudes

Send nudes on national send James nudes day

by Kachiggamanigga May 2, 2019

National Send nudes day

On April 22, you must send all your nudes to you boyfriend, girlfriend, or your crush

My girlfriend just sent me all her nudes because it’s national send nudes day!!

by 42069eatassandsmoke April 20, 2019

National send nudes day

11th off MAY is National send nudes day so all u girls show ur man a good day

Today is National send nudes day so show me the lot

by THE MAN0121 May 8, 2024

National Send Nudes Day

Oct 5, This is a special occasion where girls are suppose to send nudes to the guy they're attracted to.

PERSON 1: Hey, what day is it today?

PERSON 2: Bro, it's National Send Nudes Day

by theboyisfocused October 5, 2021