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Between a Song and a hard place

When you find a song you really like, listen to over and over until you can't listen to it anymore, but you can't listen to any other song either, rendering you from being able to listen to music

"man, i listened to Feel me Flow by Naughty by Nature 62 times in one day according to itunes, but i can't listen to anything else, I'm Between a song and a hard place"

by Quit Raping my Cat January 17, 2010

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on the border between Venus and California

completely out of touch with reality

She is on the border between Venus and California-she doesn't have a clue.

by theprincessofdarkness April 30, 2009

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the difference between like and love

She either swallows or she don't.If she just likes you she won't!

Come on honey it's the difference between like and love, swallow it and you'll show me you love me!

by Master Johnson June 25, 2004

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kiss the bunny between the ears

too kiss the tip of a males penis usually used during hollidays such as easter.

hey babe why dont u and me go back to my house? il let u kiss the bunny between the ears

by jr..... April 12, 2009

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norwegin sneeky between the cheekies

this is a sneaky little menuver where your give your partner anal sex and then sneak around and give them oral sex at the same time

HOLY SHIT! did you here that john gave sally the norwegin sneeky between the cheekies! damn that boys got skill

by fuck mcnut March 27, 2005

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Beautiful moment between bros

The act of one bro spitting on another bros cock whilst he is mid-flow at the urinal

"Went to take a piss cos I was 6 pints in when Lil Johnny comes up and stands at the next urinal, with all the love and emotion of an airport reunion. I'm going full flow when he looks down and spits right on the shaft of my flacid water pipe, looks up with teary eyes and says "what a beautiful moment between bros!"

by What.did.i.just.read July 15, 2022

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the difference between you're and your

Your is a possession, and you're means you are, you idiot.

YOU'RE a dumb skunt because YOUR grammar is horrid, just like YOUR face
Wow I'm so glad I know the difference between you're and your!

by Ur fucking face February 10, 2015

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