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Trig Nog

An sjw black person who is easily triggered.

That Trig Nog is butthurt about the Confederate flag.

by Peter Jamz September 26, 2016

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noodle nog

A noodle nog is a nog whos bones are flexable like wet noodle

gorge: bob the nogs arms!
ted: there like noodles!
bill: what a fuckin noodle nog

noodle nog = nogs whose limbs are made of noodle

by noodle nog July 29, 2008

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Frog Nog

A person who polishes poles

Doorin was looking for somebody to frog nog.

by Andwoo April 29, 2021

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Nig nog

The missing link between humans and monkeys

Nig nogs... Careful, he’ll nick your bananas

by Reality rules March 18, 2021

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Nig Nog

Nig nog is a term derived from the racial african slur Nigger. Nig nog is a nigger who has a small penis.

Yo check out that Nig nog with his pants off!

by Salty Midg3Tt January 5, 2010

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Nog Goblin

A person who consumes copious amounts of egg nog.

Guy1: Dude, that's a lot of 'nog you're drinking...
Guy2: Yea, I likes the 'nog.
Guy1: Nog Goblin.

by Minion of TGOSoE December 10, 2009

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nog dog

A black dog.

Billy: Hey Requis! What kind of dog is that?
Requis: It's a Nog Dog.

by NiggMayne December 3, 2015

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