The process of shuffling playing cards(i.e. UNO cards) by dealing the cards into four piles and then combing all four piles of cards. This is the easiest way to shuffle while under the influence of some mary jane, but it is effective in all situations.
Person 1: "I'm too f**cked up to shuffle these cards!"
Person 2: "Just do the stoner shuffle, they'll be shuffled in no time!"
When a white person, usually a lady, is crossing the street or a parking lot and a car is coming, they start to sorta run, sorta trot, in order to cross faster. This will produce an odd gait, which looks awkward. They are doing the Honky Shuffle at that point. Sometimes it will be performed by an Asian, but never will you see a Black people or Hispanics performing this shuffle.
Did you see that lady do the Honky Shuffle to get out of the way of that car?
When you have to run to the toilet in order to take a shit.
In order to be a true Hudson Shuffle you have to be in a place where it is inappropriate to run to the toilet.
Last night at work i had to do a hudson shuffle.
The motion of movement used to describe the victim of an endless discussion trying to get away. This is normally done by sliding one's feet slowly away from the person talking, sometimes mumbling something like "right", "ok" or "sure". The intention is to exit the area without the offending person following. This can also be seen in single bars and is often used by women trying to get away from some tool.
Man I was out taking a smoke break and some dude comes over to talk about something, He wouldn't stop talking and I had to get back to work, so I had to do a kaygina shuffle to get away.
A road rage adjacent driving behavior particularly common in Wisconsin, wherein a driver in the passing lane roughly matches the speed of the driver in the slow lane, so that nobody can go around them. They will each in turn slightly speed up or slow down, creating a shuffling effect, but never leaving enough room for anyone to pass. Often, they will be driving slightly below the speed limit.
Causes are myriad but the emotional core is that both drivers feel they are driving the morally correct speed and nobody should want to go faster or have a problem with being behind them. Both are unwilling to go slower and accept the subordinate position of being passed.
On occasion this dialectical conflict will explode into full road rage and both drivers will suddenly accelerate, well beyond the speed limit until one of them reaches another car and is forced to slam on the brakes. At this point the humiliated party may follow the victor, trying to drive them off the road for some ways, or slink off to nurse their wounded ego and await a new partner.
"Sorry I'm late. Some assholes were doing the Wisconsin Shuffle 5 miles under the speed limit the whole way here. Traffic was backed up for miles."
When you excess doo doo hanging from your butt and you have to jiggle to get it off.
Bob: Man I hate it when there's extra doo doo after i get through, its hard to get it off with tp.
Jim: Ah, just do the chocolate shuffle and it'll fall right down.
Leaving an AFL (Australian rules football) game before its conclusion in anticipation of impending loss. Most common amongst Collingwood supporters, whose proud tradition of leaving en masse at three quarter time to catch the soonest train to Broadmeadows endures to this day.
Also applies to all football supporters too weak to cop a loss and stick with their boys till the final siren.
Roughead slams through his second goal of the 2008 Grand Final, effectively ending Geelong's hopes of back-to-back premierships. And the Collingwood Shuffle commences!!
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