this guys is the best computer science teacher i know, he's very helpful and has an amazing music taste and has a hat for every situation
"Damn Mr. Owings is really nice"
"I know right?"
Tyrone: yo dawg you heard the new Ow Jimenez Tune?
Jamal: Yeah Nigga it’s fire!
when you're attention seeking and using injuries to gain attention.
Person: *hits head* "ow mah knee"
Mary Owings aka Mary Alice Owings is a female madly in love with a male called Joel Owings. Three things that define Mary Alice Owings is the most honest/onery smile you could ever imagine, the biggest most caring heart nobody could ever see except a Joel Owings because,well it's full of perverse sneaky, lying fucks, well-known to be karma's strike, the sweetest person ever known to the world, a secret weapon only used by a Joel Owings.
That Mary Owings only belongs with the Joel Owings