Source Code

OwO, what's this?

A question commonly asked of the ancient Egyptian god of knowledge, Thoth, also known as Θώθ by the Greeks, which has been simplified as OwO by modern internet dwellers for ease of use.

Person: "OwO, what's this?"

Θώθ: "Why don't you tell me? They're your pants."

by Solhir August 13, 2022

10👍 1👎


A word users know as furrys use this to show sex drive or sexual interest in some thing

"Owo what's that mwister"
Or "I'll ruffle your hairs" and respond with "owo"

by pseudonym'les May 3, 2019

1👍 10👎

OwO Farts

What you say when you're a CYOT furry RAWR and you're about to let out a big atomic bomb FART!

OwO Farts, I just farted. Do you guys smell it? XD Nya

by properso December 1, 2020

6👍 4👎

owo and furry

something QuackityHQ tries to attempt against furry discords and gets banned.

person 1: Hey did you hear about that guy who did the owo and furry to someone?
person 2: No but I heard that person who did it died.
person 1: yeah he was stupid.

by The Golden Flare June 24, 2019

OwO Violation

This fuwwy has iwwegawwy owoed. Weason fow viowation:

No vawid pewmint

OwO exceeded 90 dB

OwO caused distrwess to anothaw mammaw

OwO took pwace between 10:30 pm and 9:00 am

OwO started multiple owos


Faiwure to pay fine (£350) pwomtwy may wesuwt in a couwt appeawance and conviction.

Issued by:


Guy 1: (I need to OwO so badly)

Guy 2: Don't do it!

Guy 1: OwO

Guy 2: OwO violation, This fuwwy has iwwegawwy owoed!

by Jaythewolf September 12, 2020

1👍 1👎

OwO What’s this?

A way of a furry saying “woah dat yo dick”?

Owo what’s this?

by Α March 10, 2022

6👍 3👎


It basically means rail me so when a girl says uwu she wants you to rail her

person 1: come uwu/owo
person 2:ok bet come to bed

by 8382992- April 1, 2021

23👍 41👎