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talkin parrot

a) a person who obliterates people with his/her words
b) a smooth talkin or loquacious person.
c) a person with the ability to talk someone to death

Man 1: He's such a talkin parrot.
Man 2: I agree, he killed me with his words.

by maymay and ally January 30, 2010

Parrot's beak

An unusually large clitoris.

He stared in amazement at her. She was was more than ready for him. He could tell by the enormous clit thrusting out of her opening. It looked just like a parrot's beak.

by Nubba the Wandering Minstrel May 12, 2011

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The Green Parrot

Member of the Seamen of the South
Known for having the fastes jack on the crew

damn look at Green Parrot go! hes already sink like 10 ships

by flickyobeanz December 16, 2004

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Parrot sniffer

A autistic male who doesn’t mind a bit of younger attention

Blane :
Aye a heard that Matthew is a proper parrot sniffer

Mack:aye he likes children in tight leggings
mad bread sniffing bum boy

Blane:aye mate pure parrot sniffer

by Celtic staff rape children January 10, 2020

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Dick Parrot

When your shoulder.becomes a convenient shelf for strangers' genitals on public transportation.

My dick parrot is 2 seconds away from cawing "Polly want a blow job"

by JProulx May 15, 2013

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Parrot Fish

Is a phrase to describe a male person that is a 'Social Chameleon' when around his male friends displays vulgar and unrefined behaviour, he is generally unsophisticated and has low morals. However when trying gain the affection of the opposite sex, uses superficial romantic charm to make casual acquaintance, in anticipation of sexual relations and to satisfy his narcissistic ego . The Parrot fish will become aggressive and ridicule another male that enters his space whilst conducting his performance/Act .
In the animal kingdom. A Parrott fish is a beautiful, Tropical and graceful creature underwater. Take it out of the water it is slimy nasty creature particularly against it's own gender.

He is such a good guy when he is out his buddies, but around woman he is a Parrot Fish
Look, he is Parrot fishing for that waitress.

by lolly legs February 18, 2015

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sheep parroting

When a person repeats something they are told first hand, read or listened to on some form of media. That person acts like it is true without the information ever being proven, just repeated over and over again. Even if it kills others and possibly themselves. They may think that they made up the information. The information is beyond questioning or any discussion, because it is true without any proof, other than it was told to them before.
Like sheep, as those around them are killed, they pay no attention and continue to go with the program - without thought or understanding, merely repeat the words or imitate the actions of another fool.

That guy's sheep parroting, he just told me. " You are not patriotic (if you do not completely agree with his thoughts and actions.")

Another example of Sheep Parroting: "You do not love America" ( if you do not repeat what ever I said one must think to be American).

Vote republican because it's good for business. That's the oldest sheep Parroting line in the book.

Unions are bad, for example: teachers have special interests and shouldn't be able to lobby like corporations.
Only a Sheep Parroting fool would think that education is not necessary and corporations need a break.

by tired of sheep parroting March 7, 2011

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