1.)Your mind when it is at risk of boiling over with seemingly infinte quantities of genius ideas.
To mere mortals these ideas may seem incomprehensible and "stewpit".
2.)A moshpit that is moving in a circular motion and is about to boil over with the hot sweat of countless roving bodies.
1.) When I smoked that J a billion brilliant ideas flooded my mind. The waters of the flood soon began to boil as the unbridled energy of countless unborn ideas stoked the fires of my mind. My mind was a real stew-pitt.
2.) The stew-pitt was so hot and wet I felt as if I was about to be boiled alive.
A guy that looks about as much like Brad Pitt as I look like Tom Cruise.
If that guy is the French Brad Pitt, I must be like the Colin Farrell of the South or somebody like that, even though Colin Farrell thinks I am prettier than that man.
A title where you don't have to look or be anything like the other guy to have.
The French Brad Pitt might as well be the French Shaquille O'Neal, why not?