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National Poggers Day

When the score or kill-death ratio in an FPS game hits 9-11. The origins derive from the United Stateโ€™s terrorist attack on September 11th, 2001. When the twin towers fell, millions of people were shocked and in disbelief, most showing their expression with a pog face. This huge reaction lead to the name โ€œNational Poggers Dayโ€, as to commemorate the reactions of the public when the day the twin towers fell.

Dude, look at the score! We have luck on our side because the score is National Poggers Day!

by PhilJap September 11, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Poggers McStinky Butt Hole

Meaning very extra mega Poggers, often used by epic gamers to describe a very Pog play in a game.

Thomas: My lord that Fortnite play was very Poggers McStinky Butt Hole
Will: Yes, very Pog

Dad: Me and you mother are getting a divorce
Thomas: Thatโ€™s very Poggers McStinky Butt Hole

by PogManTommy February 17, 2021

Iron poggers lagoon Foggers

A word overused to describe a mister on the Iron Dragon roller coaster

G: those iron poggers lagoon foggers were going today

Man: sure

by A man ous July 28, 2022

The Poggers Theory of Sexual Intercourse

The Poggers Theory of Sexual Intercourse, explains that Today's men and women will Express a feeling equivalent to pure happiness during sex by saying 'Poggers', instead of wording like 'Oh Yes' or 'Oh god yes'. This Can most likely start and end with the current Generation; However, with the Poggers Formula which is PoG+ Current Generation = GeR+Number of Remaining years of said Generation Can show how Many more years It will be used in that generation.

Man: *Cums* "Poggers!"

Woman: "What did you say?"

Man: "I Said Poggers Amy, Ever Heard of the Poggers Theory of Sexual Intercourse?"

Woman: "Oh..I guess It's ok then"

by Pogger Theory 101 December 14, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

thank you leo, very poggers

A term used to shut Leo up because he said something off-topic and stupid because he is so retarded.

Serdna: thank you leo, very poggers

by exitranci July 20, 2020

Poggers chungus wholesome reddit moment

Poggers chungus wholesome reddit moment

Poggers chungus wholesome reddit moment

by POGGERSVHUN F November 4, 2020

20๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pogger's in my Valentino white bag

Two memes that should never go together, like who tf mixed those memes, it's Time for them to get in the forever box

Me: I have pogger's in my Valentino white bag

Friend: you wanna run that by me again

by December 29, 2021

17๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž