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Polish Swinger

A person that defecates in a hot tub full of people. To poop in a hot tub. A piece of crap floating in the hot tub.

"Dude, last night me and some fine ladies was hanging out in the hot tub, when all of a sudden, one of them released a polish swinger!" "Why didn't you invite me over?"

by Guy Poulin June 12, 2012

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Polish Helicopter

When you Six Pack a baby and spin it above your head.

Christopher Walken was arrested for giving a polish helicopter to Suri Cruise

by nyjets630 May 4, 2009

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Polish the dice

To give a blow job. The next step after roll the dice.

Guy 1: She isn't ready to smoosh, but she totally will polish the dice.
Guy 2: Damn I could use a good dice polishing!

by Muracle Whip, Kpo & C-Unit December 4, 2010

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Polishing the Canoe

The act of female masturbation.

Shawna became overwhelmed by her fantasies of Rick and began polishing the canoe furiously.

by ricktheaddj October 8, 2009

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Polish milkshake

When a guy deficates in their partners mouth and their partner proceeds to give them a blowjob afterwards with the fecale matter still in their mouth.

Man, I sure am hungry. I could go for a good polish milkshake right now.

by Flickerstick182 December 22, 2016

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Polishing The Pewter

Another one of the countless names for masturbating. Derived from the movie "Almost Heroes" staring Chris Farley (RIP), in which him Matthew Perry portary Lewis and Clark. However, one should note that in the movie the phrase is not used to describe masturbation, but the various acts of sex. Over time the phrase has changed meaning.

10 bucks says he Polishes The Pewter thinking of that night those chicks picked HIM up.

by Cambone August 23, 2005

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Polish Microwave

Putting a food item, usually a sandwich, under your armpit for the purpose of warming it up. Most effective after a hot day without deodorant. May also add a distinct flavor to the item being warmed.

Verb: That burger is getting a little cold, better give it a polish microwave before you eat it.

Noun: This turkey sandwich is a little bland. I think I'll stick it in the polish microwave for a while.

by dominic_the_donkey August 14, 2009

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