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Rusty Poodle

The Rusty Poodle was invented by Kevin Maher back in 2005 after a conversation took place at a Financial company with an elderly client who enjoyed discussing her dog, Rusty The Poodle.

After recognizing the potential sexual implication that a Rusty Poodle could have, he found it necessary to immediately define it.

Rusty in sexual terms often refers to the anus, as in "Rusty Sheriff's Badge" and/or "Rusty Trombone"

Poodles are a breed of dog with the most prominent identifying feature of extremely curly hair.

Therefore, a Rusty Poodle can best be descibed as such:

"While a man sexually penetrates his partner in the anus, he simultaneously shaves his pubic hairs. Once a significant pile of pubic hairs has formed, the man then removes his penis and dips it into the pile of shaved pubic hairs.

The man then requests that his partner orally service him, and in turn the partner will taste not only their own anus, but the pubic hairs that were shaven."

"Rusty" refers to the ANUS, while "Poodle" refers to PUBIC HAIRS.

Used in a sentence, Rusty Poodle can be employed as both a VERB and a NOUN.

NOUN - "I can't wait to give my girlfriend a Rusty Poodle tonight."

VERB - "I am going to Rusty Poodle that bitch tonight!"

See Definition Above for uses as both a VERB and a NOUN.

"I can not wait to give my girlfriend a Rusty Poodle tonight"

"I plan on Rusty Poodling her the best I ever have!!"

by Kevin Maher October 25, 2007

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white poodle

Another name for cocaine.

Me: What is Jon doing tonight?
Her: That fool is chasing the white poodle.

by MC PD June 26, 2006

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Toy Poodle

A male who blatantly disregards sexism against men and campaigns for women's rights in the hopes of receiving a belly rub or a treat.

Sharon: "Men are such pigs, they just fart and burp and fuck around."
Harold: "That's kind of offensive, Sharon."
Ben: "Leave Sharon alone, Women aren't given enough credit."
Harold: "You're a bit of a Toy Poodle, aren't you Ben?"

by digitalerie September 2, 2014

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wooden poodle

A raging boner complimented with a perfect dome of pubic hair, preferably as thick and curly as possible.

I was going to go down on the dude, but then DAMN he decided to take his wooden poodle for a walk

by Papa the Show Stoppa April 13, 2010

porkey poodle

A poodle that has a nice taste of pork

Guy: Dude, this poodle tastes like pork
Owner: I know, it's a porkey poodle

by Fartle kitten February 19, 2015


A poodle’s attitude.

Dang, my dog’s got the biggest poodle-tude today! One second he’s so sweet , then the next he turns into a gremlin.

by la1ne April 19, 2021

Poodle puncher

Sick ass band of 3 females who jam out and spread positivity around the world

Wow jimmy poodle punchers rocked last night

by Punchedpoodle September 17, 2022