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a position used for game models. it is heavily based off of jesus getting nailed to the cross which he deserved

lets t-pose this lil nibba

by yung b bitxh July 1, 2018

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Paris pose

The current trend of women taking the Paris Hilton model pose for their Facebook profile picture. Ie: Head tipped down with a mouth closed smile, pretending to be holding their chihuahua in their right hand.

Hey, I saw your new profile picture on Facebook, and I love your Paris pose

by mytubeyoulube June 26, 2010

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ball pose

Positioned to get a honey in bed. If someone is "stepping on your ball pose," it means they're preventing you from getting with that fine honey.

Get the fuck outta here Wallace, you cock blocking mothafucka. She's about to come home wiv me and you be steppin' on my ball pose, cuz.

by lunified March 6, 2006

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sexy man pose

An internet meme created by the BFFs Battlefield Friends

Sexy Man Pose can be seen as an ironic form of trolling or as an alternative to tea bagging in the first person shooter Battlefield 3.

After killing an opponent the player will lie down next to the corpse of their victim in prone position and change from their side arm to their main weapon creating the sexy man pose.

The gesture produced by sexy man pose resembles that of a reclining catalogue model and can appear to be strangely homoerotic. A whole squad can work the pose arranging themselves around the victim to β€œβ€¦spread out like a bunch of man candy.”

by ZbrushCentral November 5, 2013

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eagle spread pose

When you pose for a picture you hold out both arms and tilt your head upward. The eagle spread pose indicates to others that you are an eagle and they are small birds which you can eat. It is a pose of dominance. This pose was invented by comedian Dex Carrington and featured heavily in the series "Dexpedition" on MTV Europe. The pose later gained international appeal when it was featured throughout the Snowboard World Championships in Norway 2012.

In a club you stand on a speaker and do an eagle spread pose to assert your dominance and awesomeness. (someone takes a picture of you doing the eagle spread pose in that club)

by Jared Funky funk February 20, 2012

183πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

posing for animal crackers

It means you are sitting/standing around being fucking useless while everyone around you is doing something.

Hey, (insert coworker name here). Are you posing for animal crackers or do you think you might pick up the phone when it rings?

by Lady NY February 4, 2017

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jesus christ pose

A contrived pose in movies to give significance where there is none by mimicing the death of christ on the cross.

Also the title of a Soundgarden song.

Willem Dafoe's jesus christ pose in Platoon was almost as lame as Sean Penn's in Dead Man Walking.

Soundgarden's jesus christ pose is way better than anything Audio Slave has done.

by Buff Bufferman August 7, 2006

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