Source Code

Turkish Roulette

Turkish roulette is similar to Russian roulette is a lethal game of chance but in this version, player places all rounds except one in a revolver, and every player spins the cylinder in every round.

Game ends when only one player stand still.

He is so lucky, he even came alive from turkish roulette.

by rocknrolla44 August 15, 2017

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Underwear Roulette

When it is unclear whether or not you need to poo or fart and you choose to take the chance.

I just hit the chinese buffet and now I'm about to play underwear roulette.

by Dilker October 26, 2014

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Rasta Roulette

A game in which marijuana is smoked in a glass pipe and is passed in either clockwise or counter-clockwise rotation whereas the loser takes last puff, in which case is the resinated or "cashed" hit.

Ray: "This bowl is starting to taste poopy."
Marcus: "I hope I get a hit."
Paul: "Dude. Rasta Roulette."

by Gregory Hawk August 18, 2009

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Gushin' Roulette

A game similar to "Soggy Napkin" or "Salty Cracker". A group of young men masturbates en masse into a mug. Once all are finished, the resulting mΓ©lange Γ  sperm is transferred to a turkey baster, whence it is squirted into a woman's vagina at the peak of ovulation.

Nine months later, the identity of the father is established, and all others must pay homage to the potency and virility of his manhood.

Everyone agreed that the winner of Gushin' Roulette was Christopher, due to the baby's flowing blond locks and blue eyes.

by Christopher Spunken January 15, 2012

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Baby Roulette

When 3 or more males each ejaculate in the females vagina giving one of the males taking part a child 9 months later sort of like a game of Russian Roulette but using a different gun

'Hey man, we should totally play baby roulette with Yasbae tonight''
'Yeah, definitely dude'

by Sweg123456 April 22, 2015

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Raisin Roulette

The act of playing Russian Roulette with a carton of raisins -- with a twist. Each player will take turns consuming one raisin at the time. Repeat this step until the last raisin has been consumed. Following Asian culture; the last one who consumes the last piece of food, raisins in this case, shall be blessed with a handsome boyfriend/girlfriend, but generally boyfriend.

Friend A, B & C are playing Raisin Roulette.
*Friend A consumes a single raisin*
Friend A: "There are only two raisins left!"
*Friend B consumes a single raisin*
Friend B: "You won again Friend C!"
*Friend C consumes final raisin*
Friend C: "I shall be blessed with the handsome boyfriend!"

by ileiktehcats February 26, 2012

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German Roulette

German Roulette is much like Russian Roulette but instead the gun is fully loaded.

I Can’t wait to play German Roulette alone in my living room!

by ZeoVisa May 14, 2021

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