An alternate/slang term for the uvula
"What's that thing that hangs in the back of the throat? You know, the little sack?" "That's the throat scrote dude!"
A sack's worst nightmare. A painful, emotionally traumatic experience in which the tender skin of the male scortum is violently ripped.
"Ouch, I'm going to need that one sewn up soon, that scrote rip was rough."
A chronic illness, commonly brought on by drug use, which is often seen in men. The afflicted men will behave in unusual ways, such as saying embarrassing or unruly statements.
Severe cases of Scrote-Brain can lead the afflicted individual to display physical behavior beyond rational explanation, such as digging through trash, hoarding, terrorizing the general populace, etc.
Scrote-Brain is thought to be incurable. However, some studies have shown positive results with the afflicted simply choosing to improve their lives of their own volition. Due to this mechanism, the recovery rate is both exceedingly miniscule, and highly random.
"Did you see that guy licking the pavement behind the KFC? He looks like he's got severe Scrote-Brain."
A man having testicles so large that it appears as if it is one giant ball
My fiances uni scrote is as big as a softball
A totally awesome occurrence when your laughing so hard that your scrotum whips back and fourth!
Jon: says something super funny!
Jimithy: laughed so hard that he whips scrote!
Delicate and intricate ways to maintain your scrotal hairs and perspiration to create the ideal scrotal environment. ie. shaving, waxing, powdering, applying lotion, cleansing, undergarment use, et cetera.
"I did not sleep with him because he was not up on his scrote management."
Nick, "Matt, why haven't you been laid in a while?" Matt, "I don't know it's getting a little rough down there." Nick, "Bro, you should work on that scrote management."
This is Aussie slang to call someone who is behaving like a real ball bag (scrotum). In other words, they are a dickhead, but to a lesser extent.
You have just shouted a round of drinks, and ol mate, let’s call him Johnno doesn’t want to cough up for the next one. You’d tell him, “come on Johnno, drag your carcass up to the bar ya scrote, ya know it’s your round mate, don’t be a dickhead all your life”! In which case said scrote Johnno would make haste to the bar, and return with an armful of amber liquid to be thirstily devoured by the boys. 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺 Now Johnno is no longer a scrote, Noice one Johnno🤙🤙🤙