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shout out

enhypens best bside

hoe: whats your favourite song in enha’s new album

me: shout out ofcourse, its enhypens best bside

by astrovater July 27, 2022

Shout Out

To pay respect, gratitude, appreciation, or recognition to a person, place, or thing. Originally developed from hip-hop culture. The person, place, or thing CAN be present when the shout-out is issued, contrary to popular belief.

Jay loved to issue a Shout Out as often as possible, and everyone loved it when he did, because it was respect and recognition delivered from a place of kindness.

by DopeyDrunk July 17, 2022

squirrel shout-out

Where you abruptly snap your head around and irritably bellow, “WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!” up into the trees whenever a bushy-tailed nut-gatherer makes a chattering scolding ruckus when you are merely minding your own business and working quietly in your yard. Sometimes this stress-relieving action may actually be performed mostly for the entertainment of others in your vicinity, particularly easily-amused giggly children --- you may indeed be highly irritated by the squirrel's inexplicable/unwarranted noisy tirade, but everyone knows that your own crimson-faced outburst really isn't gonna do much good overall, since squirrels obviously ain't gonna keep quiet just 'cuz you want them to.

Sometimes doing a squirrel shout-out is indeed effective in shutting up dat noisy fur-varmint, at least for a few minutes… guess he’s so non-plussed at my sudden bellowing outburst that he doesn’t know quite what to make of it all. But in any case, I still fail to see what he’s getting so pissed off about in da first place --- I’m not bothering him or even paying him any mind, and I sure as shootin’ ain’t after his precious acorns, so what’s his beef with me, anyhoot???

by QuacksO September 9, 2018

Screen Shout

When you can't figure out how to put references using Beamer on a presentation due in a few hours, then do figure that out.

Marvin: Never mind I screen shouted

by LebaneseOverthinker July 4, 2020


An adjective meaning "containing a lot of weird or unusual pornography"

Person A: Check out this cool website!
Person B: What, why?!
Person A: It's le-shouts!
Person B: oh ok i will

by uffejohnssonjohansson November 14, 2019

Shouting and Shit

A term used for describing online chats with friends that escalate to all caps texting about useless topics.

Person 1: Why are you laughing?
Person 2: I was just shouting and shit with my friends on skype.

by Flying Chickens September 30, 2017

wonderful shouting

A big loud shout.

Whoa, wonderful shouting.

by Debskelly1985 April 4, 2023