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Sending mothers (to) hell

My moms so annoying she didn’t let go out smh

by Ejeisisjiwsi December 28, 2022


Sonic Maurice Hedgehog

Sonic: My middle name is speed... actually my middle name is Maurice ,but don't tell

Me: so this is what people mean when they say smh

by FantomEx15 July 11, 2019


Sonic's full name, Sonic Maurice Hedgehog.

Oh my gosh, smh is my idol.

by Feminism-is-not-an-excuses February 15, 2019


Shaking my headsurprisingly I thought it was “so much hate” for so long

“What are you taking about? 1+1=4!”
Omigod, you are so dumb smh. 🤦 ♀️ ”

by Inostuff October 7, 2020


So much hate

Bro: omg why did u do that sometimes u need to get a grip
Me: omg bro smh

by Stitch123 December 29, 2021


Shaking my head smiling

basically smh but with a "gahhh yu adorable hooman" vibe to it

she made a bad pun out of my name in an attempt to cheer me up and I was just there smhs

by NethsKays April 14, 2020


Slang for the sentence "shaking my head" or "shake my head" using used when an act of stupidness has happened that no words can explain how bad it was.

"I just had to go and trip over a toy I told my sister to be careful around! Smh."

by Cookiemonster1230 March 20, 2016

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