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the smokey bear

A sexual act in which you light the participants hair on fire and then proceed to ejaculate on the participants head to put it out.

Your mom and I did the smokey bear last night!

by Conor R May 17, 2007

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Smokey Potter

Harry Potter's college aged brother, Looks like Harry but wears a Led Zeppelin t-shirt and dark Ozzy shades instead of eyeglasses. Not seen in any of the movies cause he only comes home during the summer before school starts.

Smokey Potter likes his 5 foot wizard bong but also knows 9 different spells for rolling various kinds of joints and blunts.

by GermanOrganistBrock May 21, 2010

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smokey head

When a woman is smoking during a blow job an blows smoke all over your dick

That milf gave me the best smokey head

by Eden1797 February 22, 2018

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Smokey the Bur

Smokey the Bur can be defined as a teenager who loves to play x-box a lot, watch movies, care about his girl, likes football and says random words.

Smokey the Bur is hanging with his girl tonight and is going to watch movies.

by smokey_the_bur1010 January 14, 2013

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Smokey Rooster

A person that holds a hookah for an annoyingly long time before passing it to the next person in the group.

He is being such a smokey rooster tonight. I just want to smoke before they close!

by TheManJanson February 20, 2013

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The smokey eye

When a female "smokes" a cigarette/cigar/joint pipe/ bong from their pussy, rarely refering to an anus of any gender, queefs or farts in your face filling your eye/ eyes in smoke.

Person 1:"Yo man, your sister is crazy!"
Person 2: "oh yeah? What you talkin about?"
Person 1: "she gave me the smokey eye, think I have pink eye now or somethin! How does it look? Think imma need an eye patch!"

by Shinigamidannii July 31, 2021

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smokey pete

A harry person or someone with 5:00 shadow.

Shave! you look like a smokey pete!

by SPG September 30, 2003

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