Where one goes to de moistened the southern region via corn starch, baby powder, gold bond ect.
Hey man im hot im going to the application station be back in 10.
An old computer that is only used for masturbatory purposes.
My old iMac only has a gig of RAM, so I had to make a spank station.
A stack of tube TVs hooked up to VCRs playing nothing but hard core pornography from the 1980's.
Let's set up a Patro Station and do this party right!
Point of no return while drinking. You could stop, but if you stay on the drinking train past intoxication station, you are getting extremely wasted for sure.
Wow, that dude hit intoxication station and kept right on going. I bet he pees the bed tonight.
1)The bathroom
2)A station where you release your internal struggles.
Pardon me, I must use the release station.
The anal cavity of a homosexual male
Person 1: How does Jacob have a new hook-up every week?
Person 2: Because he has a tight train station!
2👍 1👎