A sweep single is with your heart. Only a deity with a high enough chakra can perform this move.
Greg used a sweep single in order to defeat Hank Hill and save vegeta in the great 4th ninja war in my nigga jake's backyard.
The spanking of another's ass in a sweeping motion in any desired direction. Most effective when the non-palm part of the hand is used as this provides for the desired gliding action that defines the first part of this two part word.
Peter sweep spanked Vicky's bubble butt and caused a little jiggle action on her rump.
To have a completely homosexual hair cut.
How hot is my mayfield sweep!
When you lick from a girls ass to her snatch and wonder what that taste is.
I brought a chick home last night and gave her the wonder sweep and afterwords was wondering what that taste was
The art of rubbing one man's penis to and fro across another man's face in order to achieve climax at a faster rate.
So I was man sweeping John near the end of our orgy and he told me "Don't cum on my face!" Where else am I supposed to jizz???
when you are at a social gathering like a party or an orgy and one person has a deadly fart that no one hears and he/she gets up and moves his/her hands in a sweeping motion like sweeping the floor and then everyone gives a good wiff of the nice stench
what are you doing??
awwww that ass just had us smell his crop sweep
You loved a person's Post or Page on Social Media so much that you went to the person's page and hit "Like" button on all their Posts (or a large swath of Posts). "Swept" that person's page with "Like"s !!!
How often do you receive Like-Sweeps on your Instagram account?
The Rock commented on my post. I was so overwhelmed, I went to his account and Like Sweeped that place !