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3D Wrist

A Highly anticipated song and one of the best songs by rapper Lil Uzi Vert

Person 1: What’s your favourite song by lil uzi?
Person 2: 3D Wrist , it’s unreleased

by Infinite369 May 29, 2022

Jaws 3D

A cheesy film that is more comedic than horrifying. Characters are boring or annoying, effects and screenwriting was utterly crap, and acting was subpar. Girl presses her cheeks against the window that has a dead corpse right in front of her screaming without moving, shark is still chasing skiers despite being less than a foot away, grenade explodes a thirty foot shark underwater, the shark breaks a control room window with just one pinch and gets stuck for some odd reason, technician was just treading water like he wanted to be eaten by the shark knowing the shark was there and was breathing under water when bitten like chips, Fitzroyce slides into a sharks mouth, gets crushed like a pancake to death without dropping the grenade in his hand that killed the shark eventually and feeling the sharks teeth despite still being in the sharks mouth and getting crushed. It is a movie that should not be playing on television or be sold.

Teacher: So what do you make of Jaws 3D

Students: It’s trash

Jaws 3D, a flawed film with a bad plot, bad screenwriting, and bad acting. The effects were unrealistic as well.

by Girls ❤️ shafts March 7, 2022

3d youtube firearm 4

Ammunition for 3d youtube firearm 1,2,3

- Paper shotgun hulls (can be purchased online or at some sporting goods stores)
- Lead shot (or other shot material)
- Wads (made of plastic or fiber)
- Powder (specific type and amount depends on desired load and firearm)

1. Start by choosing the appropriate hull for your desired load. The hull should be compatible with your firearm and able to hold the amount of shot and powder you plan to use.
2. Cut a wad to fit snugly inside the hull. The wad should separate the shot from the powder and help cushion the shot upon firing.
3. Pour the desired amount of shot into the hull. The amount of shot used will depend on the desired load and size of the shot.
4. Pour the appropriate amount of powder into the hull. The amount of powder used will also depend on the desired load and type of powder.
5. Place the wad on top of the powder in the hull.
6. Crimp the end of the hull to secure the wad and shot in place.

It is important to note that the type and amount of powder used will depend on the desired load and the type of firearm being used. The specific powder and amount should be determined by a qualified and experienced reloader or ammunition manufacturer.

Again, it is important to emphasize that creating ammunition can be dangerous and requires specialized knowledge, equipment, and permits. It is not recommended for individuals without proper training and experience to attempt to make their own ammo.

Part 4

3d youtube firearm 4

by Cody5050 May 22, 2023

The 3d plan

When plan one isn't an option, plan two is too expensive, so you punch her in the uterus

Man we had to go with the 3d plan

by SuckMyWalugi August 23, 2017

3d youtube firearm 2

From 3d gunner on youtube

Gorilla Glue is a type of polyurethane-based adhesive that can be used as a substitute for traditional paper mache paste. Here's how you can make paper mache with Gorilla Glue:

- Gorilla Glue
- Water
- Bowl
- Whisk or spoon
- Newspaper or other paper strips


1. In a bowl, mix equal parts of Gorilla Glue and water.

2. Whisk or stir the mixture until it is completely blended.

3. Tear strips of newspaper or other paper into thin, manageable strips.

4. Dip each strip of paper into the Gorilla Glue mixture, making sure to coat it evenly.

5. Place the strips onto your project in the desired pattern or shape, smoothing them out as needed.

6. Continue adding layers of paper until you have achieved the desired thickness and coverage.

7. Allow the paper mache to dry completely before painting or decorating as desired.

Note: Gorilla Glue tends to expand as it dries, so be mindful of the amount you use and the thickness of your paper mache layers. You may also want to test a small area first to ensure that the Gorilla Glue mixture will work well for your particular project.

Part 2
3d youtube firearm 2

by Cody5050 May 22, 2023

3d youtube firearm 1

To make a mold from paper mache or clay, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Choose the object you want to make a mold of and ensure that it is clean and dry.

2. Prepare the mold-making material. If you're using paper mache, tear strips of newspaper or tissue paper and mix them with a water-based adhesive such as white glue or flour paste until you have a thick, smooth consistency. If you're using clay, make sure it is properly prepared and ready to use.

3. Apply a release agent to the object. This could be petroleum jelly or a silicone spray, which will prevent the mold-making material from sticking to the object.

4. Apply a layer of the mold-making material to the object. For paper mache, dip the strips in the adhesive mixture and apply them to the object, overlapping the strips as you go. For clay, roll out a sheet of clay and wrap it around the object, smoothing it out as you go.

5. Allow the mold-making material to dry or cure completely, depending on the material you're using.

6. Once the mold is dry, carefully remove it from the object. If necessary, cut the mold open to allow for easier removal.

7. Your mold is now ready to use! If you're using the mold for paper mache, apply a release agent to the mold before applying the paper mache. If you're using the mold for clay, simply press the clay into the mold and remove it once it has taken the desired shape.

Remember to always follow the manufacturer's instructions when using any mold-making material.

Part 1
3d youtube firearm 1

by Cody5050 May 22, 2023

english 3d

an English kink for British people

that dude has an English 3d

by katelovessonicyelena March 2, 2022