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Kite Runner

(v) To dominate something completely and utterly in a disturbing manner. Although it can refer to the physical process of ass raping, it is used more commonly with the kind of connotation such as pwn.
Derivived from the novel Kite Runner, by Kahled Hosseini, in the part where the protagonist of the novel, Amir, watches his best friend get raped from the behind by the angagonist, Assef. This term is synonymous with pwn, own, ass rape, rape, dominate, fuck, screw, damn, destroy, defile, bang, forcibly violate, domineer, et cetera.

Guys, Let's Kite Runner this test!!
Oh man! he just got Kite Runnered!
I'm so Kite Runnered!!I completely forgot our project was due today!

by Y3110VV September 9, 2005

239๐Ÿ‘ 141๐Ÿ‘Ž

Runner's Potato

The sad result of a runner not making it to the bathroom, in time to defecate.

At mile 17 during the marathon, she had hit the wall and obviously not foudn a restroom in time. She was carrying the ole runner's potato, which was not only dribbling down her legs, but left a huge protrusion in her underware.

by Pfu May 20, 2010

17๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) Big bodied domestic sedan or coupe. Preferably Lincoln, Cadillac, or Chevrolet Impala/Caprice, although Ford LTD or Chrysler Newports suffice. Vehicle may contain any or all of the following: Spoke rims, hydraulics, stereo system that (at loud volumes) can make rear view mirror detach from windshield, accumulate noise violation tickets, or make the screws holding the license plates on back out. In addition the vehicle favored as a hoe-runner can contain: window tint, more chrome than automobile, fuzzy dice, leopard print or leather interior, shag carpet, custom license plates (commonly referring to the vehicle as a pimpmobile or the driver as a pimp).
See: Pimpmobile
2) Person who enjoys the courtship of hos.

"I'm not really a big ho-runner."
"My uncle used to drive a 'ho-runner' "

by Pimp Daddy Danny Slick May 29, 2008

17๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

jewel runner

A robber. Or a member of the amazing hip hop group Run The Jewels.

โ€œIโ€™m low on funds, so Iโ€™m going to take that chain from him. Iโ€™m a jewel runner.โ€

by maulie September 20, 2022

Road Runner

You Run The Road, You Chase Paper Thatโ€™s The Oniy Thing Thatโ€™s On Your Mind

That Boy Poppa A Real Road Runner

by H44d shii๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿฆ April 24, 2022

Bridge Runner

Someone who exists on several worlds at the same time, as in a stock broker by day and a punk by night or a hi-tech big wig and a DJ. Usually with aptitude in one or both areas.

"That Eddie, a bridge runner, i tell you. Saw him last night bartending my local bar. Look at him now doing the accounting."

"She's a bridge runner. Saw her giving head behind the dumpster at that club last night, she was so hot, now she wants to fire me?

by abragag December 2, 2008

Runners bum

When you need to shit whilst running and you must clench your asscheeks to hold it in.

- "Hahaha Paula Radcliffe shat herself mid race", "ah, we've all had runners bum"

by Mahoganay October 28, 2013