Stray kids lee felix known as (yobgbok, yongbokie)
Lee Felix is an all rounder k-pop idol.
He was born in 2000.
He’s one of the vocalist, rappers and main dancer in stray kids. His dance is so flawless and amazing. He’s the sweetest baby with a voice that could melt your heart and the prettiest smile that can make your day however, He has one of the best and deepest voice ever (you’ll be shocked if you hear it).
He’s also a chef, model, songwriter, and a visual.
He bakes the most delicious brownies and cookies ever.
Even hyunjin said “this one's (brownie) legendary it's honestly so yummy”
Leeknow : hey hey brownie boy brownie boy
When you toss someone's salad with an ice cube in your mouth.
"He totally gave her a brownie blizzard last night!"
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noun. A sexual act involving the tasting and consumption of hardened feces in and around the anus. One partner takes a shit and refrains from wiping, causing the drying and hardening of the feces. Once the shit is crunchy, the other partner proceeds to toss the salad.
verb. To toss someone's salad with the intention of tasting and consuming their crunchy feces.
Inspired by Coco-Puffs "Brownie Crunch".
Last night I took a massive dump and forgot to wipe. After watching Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, I was ready to receive a brownie crunch.
I walked in on my wife shitting out her Chipotle burrito. I grabbed her, tied her to a lawn chair face down, and after 45 minutes in direct sunlight, she was ready for me to brownie crunch the fuck out of her.
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Recognition for a good, but non-useful suggestion or effort
He failed miserably, but earned brownie points for trying.
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As UK call it lighties for mix race girls that are attractive or light skin/. Brownies is used for really attactive Black girls. It's not really used on guys just girls. Uk dont say 'yellowbone' or 'Redbone' .
Person 1:Jheeze hotspice look at that Lightie
Person 2: But check out her piff Brownie friend tho
Person1: Damn two piff Lightie and Brownie girls shame we wont see them again.
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Contrary to popular belief, you cannot just throw in the marijuana. You are wasting THC that way. The correct way is you boil water, butter, and marijuana for a few hours, then let the butter separate from the water. Then you use that special butter to make your brownies. There are recipes on the web.
Eating weed brownies sometimes results in couchlock.
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Space Brownies are normal brownies, amde just like any other brownies, made homemade or out of a box from wegmans or some shit, but with marijuana added. This ingredianet is crucial, and without it the browies arent shit else but regular brownies. The amount of marijuana added usually depends of the baker/consumers wishes, and can vary from enough to get high and still be sociable, to enough to keep you high through a twenty four hour day. One should be very cautious when adding the marijuana, beacuse if not enough is added, you may not get as high as you expected to, and if you add too much, you might not have a productive day at school/work/etc.
Chris:Yo im brinigin me some space brownies to school ma niggas! Who gon put in on the weed?
Eliot:Forreal?! Yo i'll go half if u go half!
Chris: Word homie! lets get fucked up!!
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