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gym monkey

A person who spends all there time in the gym rather than going out.

What a gym monkey.

by YABAm May 11, 2007

36๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gym class

A class in school that you will be forced to take at some point in your life, in which you will be asked to do some of the most physically challenging and humiliating tasks of your life

Gym class sucks

by Ninjabacon October 18, 2016

17๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

gym bluff

a newbie obese person who pretends to love the gym and always boasts on how thin he or she used to be and how hard it is to for them to go to the gym nowadays.

Tony just got fatter and is always complaining about how hard it is for him to go to the gym and keeps showing off his old photos of when he used to be able to lift, all while sitting at a bar drinking beer. Tony is a gym bluff, he likes to say he goes to the gym but never really does and is always at the bar.

by mistermaster652 April 14, 2014

Gym Kardashian

A big-butted, strong woman who attends the gym in full makeup including fake lashes and heavy contouring.

Today at the gym I saw several Gym Kardashians working their glutes on the machines without smudging a stroke of mascara.

by HButt66 December 2, 2019

Gym Floor

Definition: Flat and crusty, known as Jeays Matz

Some asshole: Have you seen Gym Floor today?

Another asshole: No i haven't yet..

by FBMS May 13, 2019

gym strong

When someone is strong according to weight lifting standards, but when placed into a situation where strength is needed for more than three seconds, said person does not have the strength/stamina to overcome the obstacle.

When a stout individual who lifts weights tries to loosen a rust locked lug nut on a tire..... "come on, gym strong, it's not heavy.

by VanillGorilla August 17, 2015

Gym poser

People in the gym that think they're in great shape striking poses constantly in the mirror and or for selfie pictures. What's funny is when you try not to laugh when you witness them doing this.

Dammit, that gym poser messed up my set because he made me laugh with that posing.

by cpetkunas March 2, 2019