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Your mine

To be someone's person and partner, their best friend, and most prized possession. A word used to show possession and want for a specific person when no other words are close to expressing this thought. Something said when being held close and whispered gently into their ear.

Aj: Your mine alexa

by waterdroplet February 19, 2020

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Porn Mining

1) The ceaseless activity of looking through porn sites for someone or something that you haven't seen yet.

2) Obsessive review of material looking for something of interest.

I was up late porn mining.

He porn mined the shit out of that and couldn't find anything meaningful.

by P Phunky Phat January 9, 2009

43πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

power mine

Used by gamers, means mining for the experience only, and not collecting the ore or dropping it on the ground

I'm gonna go power mine to level 88 mining

by lilfishy5689 September 22, 2006

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Mine Field

Well first you need a bunch of friends,2 liters of sprite, a handle of cheap vodka, and 50 of those dixie cups that you swished your mouth out after brushing teeth when your younger. So half the cups get sprite and the other half vodka. Mix them all up and place them on a round table where everyone can stand around. The first goes and you pick a cup, if its sprite you move on to the next person, if its vodka keep going til you get sprite. Then just go around the circle til everyone has had there fix. Drink Responsibly.

"Man Mine Field at your house last night was awesome. I thought only tequila made her clothes fall off."

by Matty MJ July 20, 2008

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Meme mine

The underground reserves where slaves of the gods work to gather unrefined memes, which may later be refined into quality memes at meme processing facilities.

Get back to the meme mines, Keb! Time is money!

by The Ascended September 8, 2019

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You mine

Something someone says when y’all not together just to keep you around

What are we ?
You mine but I’m single

by Raingn October 1, 2017

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gettin' mines

1. A state of mind. Not taking any shit from anybody. Keeping your head high and and your body able.

2. Seeking justice. Getting what's coming to you as in exacting revenge or demanding truth.

I never said I was a saint, nigga I get mines.

Don't worry 'bout me. In the grand scheme I'll be gettin' mines. It's a state of mind. I don't worry, I devise. I don't hurry, I always take my time.

by yoyogia February 15, 2010

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