Source Code

Ordering Pizza

Code for buying illegal drugs.

There are special toppings used to specialize what kind of drugs are being bought.

Ex. β€œI'm ordering pizza with extra cheese and pepperoni” really means β€œI'm buying drugs, mainly ecstasy and heroine.”

See pizza.

Kate told her parents she needed money to order pizza but really was using it to buy drugs.

by Luper October 25, 2004

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poss. to send a hit out on somebody, mark for death.

"dude's talking shit, it's time to send a knife order on that fool"

by d.r. April 23, 2003

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order 66

To eradicate a whole group of people. From Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith when Darth Palpatine ordered the genocide of all Jedi in order to ensure the Sith's possesion of the Republic.

"Damn our team just got Order 66'ed"
"He just got order 66'ed"

by Melonzman May 23, 2005

78πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž

Order 66

An order that came after 65 and before 67.This order said to kill off all Jedi of any and all ranks.The fucked up thing is that these guys are supposed to be so smart,but got their asses played for 3 straight movies,not to mention they didnt see any of this shit coming.The enemy was a bunch of half-retarded droids.How the fuck would they organize an army?!
2.What is yelled when nerds at a burger joint notice that the order ticket for a customer has the number 66 on it,in a nerdy reference to star wars.

1.I'm such a dumbfuck!That asshole executed Order 66!

by slyver June 13, 2010

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Knights of Order

A group of people who routinely have orgasms on their ventrillo server, bombard people with @urban's on their IRC channel, and is made up of asians, nolifers, gay people who are in love with Goku Nazz, and totally pwnage people like Aoshi and Champz.

"Did you hear of the orgasmic party on that ventrillo channel last night? It seemed like we were talking to the knights of order."

by Champz February 4, 2008

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Order 73

Completely discreet ownage of an opponent. A single, complete act of a war of attrition. Usually results in complete destruction of an enemy and all of their resources.

Originally coined from The Conesberg brothers in THE DEAD ZONE

The lifeguards were completely destroyed when we issued ORDER 73 on them.

by Da Coners March 3, 2009

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natural order

1. the physical universe as an orderly system subject to natural (not human or supernatural) laws

2. the way things were meant to be

"Dear bob, do not push the big shiny button in front of you on this desk, or it will create an army of clones long long ago in a galaxy far far away to attack felucia, and you will mess up the natural order"

Bob: 0.o... *push*.. hehe.. *fades away*

by why would anybody name their kids this? July 12, 2006

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